Actress Minissha Lamba who's latest film Kidnap is all set to release, walked the ramp at the Chivas fashion show for designer Vikram Phadnis. Here are some pictures !
Actress Olivia Wilde has just been glamourized! Just take a look at these studio photos of the American actress and you can definitely see that she’s prettified. Not that that’s not a good thing, of course! Olivia, who also appears in “House” and “The Black Donnellys,” is an avid supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.
Nicole Scherzinger posed for pictures at the Vodafone Awards in London on September 18. She wore a skintight PVC strapless dress. She revels in revealing clothes but refused to reveal her true age. In unguarded moments, Scherzinger’s photos do hint that there is an older woman underneath.